Monday, November 24, 2008

I eat turkey, I eat turkey...Yes I do!

The girls were in their very first play today at the First Baptist Church! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life! All the kids were so funny! They have been practicing for weeks, but of course once the curtains rose and they saw all the parents in the audience, they had no such interest in singing all the songs! Chloe and Caitlyn were soooo excited to see Mommy and Daddy, along with Pappa, Pippy and Mimi all there to watch them! Chloe was laughing so hard she started to tear up from excitement! Which of course made here very pregnant, hormonal mother tear up too! I don't know if I was just happy to see them so excited or sad to see they are growing up so fast!!! Probably a little of both! Either way, they were the stars of the show in my eyes, without singing one single verse! :) After the short production, the director showed all the parents the videos they had been taking of all the rehearsals over the past couple of weeks! It was great to see how much they love their teachers and classmates! Jeff video taped the play and I snapped some pictures. I have no idea how to download and post a video, so the pics will have to do! I hope you enjoy as much as I do!

The images of the kids on stage are flash didn't quite make it that far! I must get a new camera!

Turkey Chloe

Turkey Caity

Thanksgiving is a time to remember all that there is to be thankful for! I am so thankful for my entire family! It means so much that we all remain so close!

Chloe and Caity,
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! I hope you know you 2 are the lights of our lives! We are so thankful to be your parents! We can't wait for more school plays and days like today! We watched you today with so much joy! Your smiles filled our hearts, and for that, we will forever be grateful! We love you so very much!
Mommy and Daddy

Until next time........

1 comment:

Kelly Beane said...

they are precious! Happy Thanksgiving!